BIM Support
BIM is an intelligent Model based process that provides insight to Plan, Develop and Manage buildings and Infrastructure. It is an advance and intelligent way of approaching the Design and documentation of Building Projects. SABS has been delivering projects using BIM since more than 10 years now.
BIM facilitates 3D Modelling with equivalence to actual building elements and manages not just graphics, but also information – information that allows the automatic generation of drawings and reports, design analysis, schedule, simulations, facilities management, and more – ultimately enabling the building team to make better-informed decisions. Benefits of using BIM for a project:
- checkRealistic 3D Visualization
- checkDesign Comparison And Improvisations
- checkChange Management
- checkBuilding Simulations
- checkData Management
- checkCoordination Management
- checkLifecycle Support
- checkFacility Management post construction